Meet Our Staff

There are two ways to display your staff members. 

Use the "get all staff" macro

  1. Create a new page from the "Staffpage" doctype. 
  2. Create a separate childpage for each staff member.
  3. Insert the "Get all staff" macro on the Staff page you created.


Use the "Person Card" widget

  1. Click on the "Add Content" Button in a cell in a three or four-column row.
  2. Select the "Person Card" Option
  3. Fill in the requested content in the overlay panel that pops up on the right. 
  4. Click "save"

Staff cards created using Get All Staff macro


Use the "get all staff" macro

  1. Create a new page from the "Staffpage" doctype. 
  2. Create a separate childpage for each staff member.
  3. Insert the "Get all staff" macro on the Staff page you creates
Error loading Partial View script (file: ~/Views/MacroPartials/Get All Staff.cshtml)

Staff Cards created using show selected staff


Use the content picker in the show selected staff members macro to select the page nodes you want to display.

Person 1

Person LastName



14 asdf st 2225455222 Meet Person
Tortie McTumbles

Tortie McTumbles


Assistant Mouser

14 kitten way 3335554433
Spencer Tracty

Spencer Tracty


Operations Manager

14 mouser lane 2223335523 Meet Spencer

Show single staffperson macro

Tortie McTumbles

Tortie McTumbles


Assistant Mouser

Test: 8345

14 kitten way



Some info about this person, perhaps a title

222 Blanditiis mt verson, wa 22331




Error loading Partial View script (file: ~/Views/MacroPartials/Get All Staff.cshtml)