Adding Forms

To add an existing form to your page, you need to used the insert Form macro. 

Click on the "add content" link

Select "Insert Form"

Choose "Add a Form" 

Navigate to the name of your form and select it

Click "Submit"

Click "Save"


Building Forms


To build forms you will need to have the proper permissions set. If you don't see the Forms tab at the top of your screen, please ask that your forms permissions be enabled. 


Click on the forms tab

Right click on "Forms"

Select "Create"




Handling Payments

We have the ability to handle payments for donations, conference registrations or other events. Please send in a help ticket to to request help setting payments up.

Seeing your entries

To see your entries, click on the forms tab at the top of the page.

Navigate to your form. 

Right click on the form name. You will see a list of entries below. Click on an entry to see its details. 


Click on export to export entries to excel.